April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This national month of awareness is meant to share the importance of working together as a family unit and as a community to prevent child abuse and neglect. The Children’s Bureau, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, collaborates to provide prevention services and support to help further protect children and create thriving, healthy families.
As part of spreading awareness around National Child Abuse Prevention Month, one of our very own pediatricians at HealthPark Pediatrics is supporting SAFEchild through the sales of her original artwork. Dr. Nirali Dubal will be donating all proceeds from the Spring Art Show to SAFEchild.
About SAFEchild
“SAFEchild – which stands for Stop Abuse For Every Child – supports families having a wide range of needs. Expertly trained professionals and volunteers build strong families in which parents nurture thriving children. The Junior League of Raleigh established SAFEchild in 1992 with a bold mission to eliminate child abuse in Wake County.”
“SAFEchild annually protects 13,000 children, empowers 1,650 parents through education and support programs, and guides 12,000 Wake County first graders through the school-based Funny Tummy Feelings program.”
Spring Art Show for SAFEchild
From Dr. Dubal on her Spring Art Show for SAFEchild:
“I am a pediatrician working in the Triangle for the past 18 years. The expanded time at home last year enabled me to slow down and start painting again. Painting helps me manage my stress better and connect to my creative side.
This past Thanksgiving, I was reflecting on my blessings and it occurred to me that I could sell my paintings and donate the money to a worthy cause! That is when Paintwithpurpose was born. Where to donate proceeds from sales? SAFEchild came to my mind first. The amazing things this organization accomplishes through various programs that fight to protect children aligns with my passion to help children.”
Her art pieces will be sold as framed pieces or ready-to-hand canvases. Shipping is free in the US. All proceeds from the Spring Art Show will go directly to SAFEchild.
It is Dr. Dubal’s hope that you’ll find a piece of art from the gallery that is meaningful to you or someone special. If you are interested in a piece, please simply fill out the donation form at the bottom of this page. More of Dr. Dubal’s art that she has created for charity can be found on her Facebook and Instagram pages.
Works from her Spring Art Show will be available here until April 30, 2021.
SAFEchild Beliefs
We want to express our gratitude for your generosity. In closing, we want to share SAFEchild’s beliefs, as they are in line with our own here at HealthPark Pediatrics.
- Every child has the right to grow up in an environment free from abuse and neglect.
- Child maltreatment should never be condoned or tolerated.
- The family is the fundamental resource for the nurturing of children, and children have a right to their families.
- Families are diverse and have a right to be respected.
- Families can grow and change. With support, information and community resources, most parents are capable of creating safe, nurturing environments for their children.
- All families experience periods of stress and crisis, and not all families are consistently able to produce a non-abusive, non-neglectful home environment.
- Seeking support and information, encouragement and community resources is a sign of family/individual strength.
For More Information
Thank you for helping to support such a wonderful cause in our community. Although April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, it is important for this call for awareness to stay top of mind throughout the year. If you suspect that a child in Wake County is being abused or neglected, please make a report.
At HealthPark Pediatrics, the health and safety of our staff and patients is our top concern. We are taking steps to ensure that you and your child will be safe while visiting our office. This includes using a separate entrance for sick visits, limiting the number of staff and physicians, observing social distancing guidelines, and offering telemedicine visits.