Bringing home your baby is an exciting moment in time. It also can bring stress when deciding what you are going to need. Getting from the hospital to the house may not be far, but it requires multiple moving parts.
Essentials To Bringing Home Your Baby
Ensuring you have everything you need for bringing home your baby can make life a little easier at that time. These six items take the stress away from you and keep the baby safe for the journey home.
Car Seat
While it may seem obvious, the correct car seat is essential to bringing home your baby safely. There are many brands and types for you to choose from. Each car seat varies in meaningful ways. As a newborn, your baby needs a specific-sized car seat that protects them and fits them correctly.
Here, we have provided the car seats best suited for newborn babies. This includes the size and multiple other features. KidsHealth explains that every state in the U.S. requires parents to have a car seat before leaving the hospital. There are infant-only seats designed for rear-facing use and provide infants with better support than a convertible seat. The American College of Pediatrics recommends that infants and children be in an infant-only seat until they are two years old or once they reach the recommended weight by the manufacturer. This is also important to consider if your child passes that weight before two years of age; they will need to move into a convertible car seat.
Knowledge On Installing A Car Seat
Along with choosing the correct car seat, you must learn how to put it into a car. While it may seem like common sense, there are major risk factors with installing a car seat. Understanding them can help you avoid a potentially dangerous situation. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that most car seats are installed incorrectly.
There are a few key factors to include about the installation for your preparation. We have provided them here to make that process smoother. Follow the instructions of the car seat manufacturer. If this is not enough to find the smoothest way to install it, ask for the advice of a nurse or doctor on where you could have someone check your work on the installation. Knowing it is in there correctly will give you peace of mind.
While this is not part of the journey of getting home, it is essential for your arrival. Your baby goes through a long day when they are finally headed home. They will probably be ready for a nap soon after your arrival home. Having the crib ready to go can leave you without having to find a place for them to nap instead. This time will also allow you to collect yourself after bringing the baby home.
Diapers and a Diaper Bag
Your baby’s body begins to participate in everyday bodily functions as soon as they are born. Diapers are essential to making sure you are ready when the inevitable happens. Creating a set-up with a diaper bag and diapers before the time comes can keep you from dealing with the situation too late.
Clothing That Matches The Weather
You may think that a newborn baby needs to be bundled up, but they often are more likely just needing to match the level of warmth you are. Pay attention to the weather the day of and dress them accordingly. The baby could even be too warm if they are dressed for the cold on a hot day. The key is to dress the child to the same temperature level as you dress yourself. That is likely the same way their body is feeling in the weather.
Bringing home your baby does not have to be overwhelming! With these items in tow, you will be on track to get your baby home safely and comfortably. Are you looking for more insight on the best ways to prepare for your baby’s arrival? Our healthcare providers at HealthPark Pediatrics are here to help. Request an appointment here or give us a call at (919) 896-7066.