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Making the choice to find ways to co-parent your child can seem to come with a lot of challenges to figure out. For the child’s sake and your own, finding ways to make the process as effective as possible is important. Implementing a few if not all of these strategies will provide mutual benefits in the long run. You may even find your new favorite solution. 

Learning The Effective Ways To Co-Parent 

Each of these effective ways to co-parent can make your life easier. If some of them do not fit your situation, do not feel pressured to implement them. We understand that many situations of co-parenting are not starting at the same point as others. At HealthPark Pediatrics, we are here to help you find ways to make your child’s life easier, along with your own.  

Focus On Communication 

One of the most essential aspects of co-parenting is establishing effective communication. Showing your child that you and their other parent can speak to each other calmly and in a useful manner is important. VeryWell Family discusses the importance of having multiple channels to use to communicate such as talking on the phone, interacting face to face, email, and texting. 

Keep A Consistent Schedule 

Once you and your child’s other parent can create a consistent schedule, it will make both of your lives easier. Whether this is creating a set time of when each of you will have your child or even what activities you both will be taking them to, everyone can have a better idea of what their days will look like. The Mayo Clinic Press discusses that creating a calendar for your child and the other parent to look at can make this go even smoother. 

Have Discussions In Private Settings 

When there are serious subjects you have to discuss, find a private setting away from your child to do it. This can allow you both to talk about details that your child may not need to be privy to. It keeps an aspect of privacy between you two as you try to navigate changes and updates. 

Make Exchanges Pleasant 

When you are communicating with the other parent in front of the child make the exchanges pleasant. Your child will be able to see that you both are working towards the common goal of their well-being. This can be as simple as a quick and kind handoff. It does not have to be a prolonged conversation. Even a hello with a nice tone of voice is something that your child can pick up on and appreciate. 

Be Respectful

Always stay respectful of your child’s other parent in their presence and even when you are not. If your child hears you talking negatively about their other parent it could change their perception of that parent or even of how they look at you. It is better to let your child create their own opinions and relationship with their other parent. This, however, does not apply to cases that call into question the safety and wellbeing of your child. 

Encourage A Healthy Relationship Between Kids And The Other Parent

If the situation calls for the ability to do so, ensure your child feels comfortable establishing a good relationship with their other parent. There is a lot a child can benefit from when having access to both parents and what they have to teach and impart. 

Learning how to co-parent can be a challenging process. While this is the case for most situations, there are always ways to co-parent that can relieve some stress. Some of these methods may work better for some than others. That is an understandable part of the journey. Are you looking for ways to pay attention to your child’s emotional needs during the time of co-parenting? HealthPark Pediatrics is here to help and provide ample resources for you. Check out our website or give us a call at (919) 896-7066.